Sunday, July 20, 2008

This Kiss.....

Today was a somewhat sad day for us. Our good friends, the Berry family, are moving back to Arkansas and it was their last day of church. While we are very excited for them and a little jealous they are getting to move back home. However, we are going to miss them terribly. They are such a wonderful family and inspiration to us all. They have two beautiful little girls and they are same age as our boys. When Clayton thinks of church, he thinks of Mili and his friend James (they are the three amigos of the blue room). I know he is going to be very sad when he realizes Mili isn’t there anymore. We love the Berrys so much that we are willing to go ahead and set up an arranged marriage with their daughters. We joke that if Clayton and Mili were to get married, they would have the palest children with the biggest blue eyes.

After church today there was a going away reception for them. I wanted to get some picture of Clayton and Mili together. Well….I told Clayton to give Mili a kiss on the check and this is what happened. I wish I could have gotten it on camera, especially so you could hear everyone there. It was hilarious.

Clayton and Mili

The innocent kiss on the cheek.
Mili decided to give Clayton a little kiss.

Then they just turned to each other and gave each other a big kiss!

After the kiss.

Andrew decided to take after his big brother and kiss Mili's little sister Sadie. I don't know if they are going to let us come back to church!


Alice said...

Your boys have some pretty future wives.....Love the pictures. They are too sweet. Thanks for sharing them.

Ralph F. Couey said...

Here's some family history you might not have known about.

Ralph Couey
Somerset, PA