Monday, September 15, 2008

My Challenge to You

My Challenge to You:

On Friday night Clay and I had the opportunity to attend a private screening of the movie Fireproof at the Heritage Foundation in Washington DC. For those of you who haven’t heard of the movie it is by the producers and writers of my favorite movie Facing the Giants. We got to meet the Kendrick brothers, Alex and Stephen, who wrote and produced the film. Alex was the star of Facing the Giants. We also got to meet Jim McBride who played Bobby Lee Duke in Facing the Giants.

I cannot say enough wonderful things about the movie. When was the last time you went to a movie and you felt better, inspired, happy, moved, motivated, etc? This movie did all of these things and more. You will laugh, possibly cry, get mad (my friend and I were wanting to yell at the screen), etc….

I am asking all of my friends out there with blogs to please post something about this movie on their blog. If you don’t have a blog, please send out an email to everyone you know. We need to get as many people as possible to see this movie opening weekend which is September 26th. Why you ask? There are a few reasons:

· First, it is a Christian movie and we need to send a message to the people in Hollywood that these are the types of movies we would like to see.
· Two, Sony is distributing this film and they see it as an investment. If it doesn’t do well, they will pull the plug on it which means that it will be incredibly difficult to get another movie like this distributed again. While Sony sees this as an investment, they are not giving it the advertising budget they would normally spend on a movie. So, the makers of the movie are relying heavily on people getting the word out everyone.
· Three, if it does well opening weekend it will stay in the movie theaters longer and get more press and will send a bigger message to Hollywood.
· Four, it is an amazing way to reach nonbelievers with the message of Jesus Christ.

With my challenge to my fellow bloggers to put it in their blogs I also challenge you to get a group from your church to see the movie opening weekend. This past Sunday at church I posted the times of the movie on the white board and passed around a sign up sheet for people to sign up for a day and a time they could go opening weekend. I also had a column for people to offer to donate as many tickets as they wanted to our local fire department. I collected the money and am going to get the tickets for everyone this week. As of right now we have 15 people signed up to see the movie opening weekend and 30 tickets have been donated to our local fire department. You don't have to do this but this is what I did and it worked well. I had people sign up for times that were convenient for them since I knew not everyone would be able to attend as one big group.

So, let’s see how many people you can get to go see this movie opening weekend and how many tickets you can get donated to your local fire department! Let’s see what God can do with this movie!!!!!!!

I can't wait to see this movie again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One more thing... if the box office proceeds are decent enough this weekend, it may well be that Sony will start promoting it outside of the US as well.